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Why Worlder Group?

Niche market leader

If your business is the market leader in any industry in your region, you have opportunities to become a new leader in computer vision.  

The computer vision market itself is still small, especially in countrysides.  However, computer vision applied to most of the old economy business models and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.0% from 2022 to 2030.

Remote operations management

Our new concept business models accompany the adoption of business operations.  

We will dispatch the operations manager to the partners so that they can implement the operations without concerning action items.

Cutting-edge technology

Worlder, Inc. is officially registered at Carnegie Mellon University(CMU) since 4 PhDs, and the previous project manager at CMU are co-founders.  

They devoted themselves to develop own AI engine, “EDIE,” and it’s now ready to be commercialized.

Contact us any time for colaboration with us